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Reasons to Support “Hike for Hospice”


Hike is symbolic of the many challenges we face in our life’s journey. Since 1992, “Hike for Hospice” has become one of the major fundraising events of the SPHC. This year, we work towards raising much needed funds for the Jockey Club Home for Hospice, our first-rate hospice centre situated in Shatin, and to help us continue to provide quality and holistic hospice and palliative care for terminal patients and bereavement support to families who have lost their loved ones, and subsidize those who cannot afford it.

10 Reasons to Support “Hike for Hospice”

1. Provide holistic, round-the-clock, hospice care of high quality


2. Help those near death face the end of life without fear


3 Use of complementary and other therapies for pain control


4. Provide better conditions for family members to accompany patients in their last stage of life

5. Provide hospice care for those who are unable to pay

6. Provide training to family caregivers

7. Fulfill patients' wish to die at home

8. Help the bereaved to deal with the loss of a loved one

9. Empower healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care for patients

10. Change the public attitudes towards death and dying