PCL is fundraising for Hike for Hospice

About The Team

Private Capital has been regularly involved with the Hike of Hospice, we cannot recall the first year, but Rick has been involved since the 90’s. We have felt a duty to uphold our commitment to the community through hospice care, as we have enrolled a team every year since then. On occasions, we lend a helping hand in setting up route directions for our fellow participants before the event.

Private Capital will match dollar for dollar any donations received up to $20,000.

Our Message

I want to help more underprivileged families receive palliative and hospice care

Fundraising Target HK$ 20,000.00

0 25 50 75 100

Our Team Photos

We Thank The Following Sponsors

Date Sponsors Amount (HK$) Message
2023-06-21 Private Capital Limited HK$15,500.00 PCL are please to donate dollar for dollar as part of our ongoing involvement with a wonderful charity, now in its 31st year.
2023-06-08 HK$500.00
2023-06-01 Jonathan Crompton HK$1,000.00 Good work, team PCL!
2023-05-31 Simon Powell HK$1,000.00 Well done a great effort.
2023-05-21 HK$1,000.00
2023-05-19 Mark S HK$100.00
2023-05-19 HK$1,000.00
2023-05-19 Chris B HK$1,000.00 Have a great walk and I hope you meet your funding target. It’s a great cause.
2023-05-19 Jason Carmichael HK$500.00
2023-05-19 Ed & Caroline HK$300.00
2023-05-18 Daniel Reynolds HK$300.00 Happy hiking!
2023-05-18 Harry Walker HK$500.00 Well done guys!
2023-05-17 Tim HK$5,000.00 Great Job you are all doing, in so many ways. Thank you.
2023-05-17 Simon Clarke HK$1,000.00 Great cause!
2023-05-17 Rick HK$100.00 IF every donates 100 we will reach our target by Friday.
2023-05-16 HK$300.00
2023-05-16 Mat Bate HK$500.00 Happy hiking.
2023-05-16 HK$200.00
2023-05-16 Ron Taylor HK$500.00 Well Done, Sorry that I was not with you.
2023-05-15 HK$200.00
2023-05-15 HK$500.00

Fundraising Target: HK$ 20,000.00
Online Donations: HK$ 31,000.00
Other Donations: HK$ 0.00
Total amount raised: HK$ 31,000.00


Category: (Team )

Individual/Team No.: T034

Hiker 1 (Team Leader): George Adkinson
Hiker 2: Rick Adkinson
Hiker 3: Rose Adkinson
Hiker 4: Mathew Bate

Route: (Long route)


By sharing your fundraising page through social media, you can invite your friends and family to support underprivileged terminal patients and their families.